
Posted on April 2, 2019

An example of how our software helps make block management easier is the best practice workflow nature of accessing a holistic view about a Property enabling you to quickly deal with enquiries from owners and other relevant stakeholders.

Below is a screen shot of our ‘Unit Search’ functionality.

The key elements showing are:

  • Unit Search – The Unit Search function allows for a look-up on a unit holder. The search can be performed on either their name or their unit reference. There is also the option to select a specific block and a specific unit. 

When you have selected a particular Unit you will then be presented with multiple sections that contain different types of data for that particular unit. Each section can be clicked on to present more data or reduced to only have selected sections open/closed. 

The sections are:

  • Unit Details – The Unit Details outline basic information about the unit such as the unit address, correspondence address and tenant reference. 
  • Financial Position – This section shows the overall financial position of that unit. How much service charge is owed or how much ground rent is owed. It also contains their account statement and allows you to view demands. 
  • Tickets – This section shows all the tickets that are associated with this unit. If you click View then it opens up a window where you can see the actual ticket. 
  • Credit Control – This section shows the credit control cases associated with that unit. Just like Tickets, you can view the details on this.
  • Portal – The Portal section becomes available if there is an active unit holder with an email address. Here you can also toggle between their preferences as well as login as them on the Portal. 

If you would like to find out more about the features and benefits of our Block Management software then get in touch. Alternatively, request a free demo if you would like to see it in action.




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