Making Residential Block Management Simple Liverpool

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Posted on November 30, 2022

If you manage a block of flats in Liverpool, then you already know how much is involved and how time-consuming it can be. If you manage blocks on different sites across the city, then it can be really hard to keep track of all the detail for multiple buildings.

Block management software aims to streamline the whole process, making the working life of a managing agent effective, stress-free and efficient.


What is Block Management Software?

 Block Management Software is a bespoke system designed to help Managing Agents look after apartment blocks and run a busy portfolio of properties across multiple sites. Using this system, agents can issue ground rent and service charge demands, keep a record of leaseholder funds, raise invoices and track expenditure.

A comprehensive reporting system offers up-to-date information on financial and building status with easy access wherever you are.


The Advantages of Block Management Software


Block management software is efficient and saves time, essential for busy agents looking after multiple blocks in Liverpool. It’s easy to get buried in the daily detail and lose track of what’s going on strategically – the role of the managing agent is diverse and complex. Block management software allows you to handle all the detail without losing sight of the bigger picture.

Block management software means you will never overlook important detail but can also look after the operation of the building strategically. Access is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any location which means you always have all the information you need right at your fingertips.

Fully backed up to the cloud, data is secure and accessible with an intuitive system which is simple to use.

Not just advantageous for agents, leaseholders can access their information via an online portal so they can see their demands and payment records and also send and receive communication to and from the agents.


The Potential of Block Management Software

Blocks Online block management software is not just an overview or reporting system, it can also help agents actively manage their Liverpool properties. You can allocate work to departments and track tasks – it really is block management on the go, perfect if you are looking after several different sites in Liverpool.

Our software optimises property management, maximising your cash flow with efficient payment systems and comprehensive financial reporting, integrating the dual roles of financial accountability with practical hands-on property management.

Block management software is an impressive tool when it comes to winning new clients. A streamlined and efficient system allows agents to add more blocks to their portfolios, taking the legwork out of block property management.

Explore Blocks Online block management software and revolutionise how you manage your Liverpool apartments. Cost-effective with no expensive upgrades or licenses, hourly backup to the cloud and no ties to a long contract term, Blocks Online block management software is the perfect solution for residential and commercial blocks in Liverpool.





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