Estate Management Services

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Posted on February 7, 2022

The rise of estates and the more common appearance of communal areas such as grass areas, flowerbeds, car parks, and so on, have led to the emergence of property management companies and residential managing agents providing more estate management services.

These companies have a number of responsibilities, which can range from looking after the roadways and footpaths and making sure that the grass areas are cut to dealing with the health and safety implications of children’s play areas and the protection of endangered wildlife.

Estate Management Services – Planning Long Term

Some of the things that estate management companies need to consider include planning long term for large maintenance projects such as resurfacing car parks or driveways, issuing demands for and collecting service charges and in some cases helping to arrange annual meetings with leaseholders and freehold property owners.

In a similar fashion to the way residential management companies (RMCs) are set-up by a developer or freeholder to take care of block management services, the estate management requirements are being dealt with by managing agents on behalf of the RMCs and they have the experience and resources to manage both traditional leasehold properties but also the property management expertise to manage the communal areas on estates where both freehold and leasehold properties exist.

Utilising comprehensive block and estate management software from providers like Blocks Online will make it easier to deal with the day to day management services that are required by estates.


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