Block property management in Liverpool

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Posted on August 21, 2022

Are you doing block property management in Liverpool? If so, you have come to the right place. Here we look at the common challenges faced by block managers and how software can make your life a lot easier.

Block property management in Liverpool

It’s easy to see why Liverpool is a location with many property management opportunities. With a population of approximately 500,000, and more than 200 tower blocks standing over 18 metres high, there are a lot of blocks to manage. That’s a lot of potential business for property managers.

The challenges of block property management

Block managers face various challenges in their quest to provide excellent customer service. These include:

  • Complicated customer requirements. Regulations are getting tighter, and customers are demanding more, which places a higher strain on property managers.
  • Providing excellent customer service. Happy customers are your business’s most valuable asset. A happy customer will be less demanding and cause fewer problems, so the need to constantly provide top-level customer service is high.
  • Stricter regulations. Rules and regulations often change, so it is vital to keep up to date with everything to ensure you are doing what you need to do.

Block management software can make things easier

As with most businesses, block management companies are often focused on increasing productivity. It’s all about streamlining the workflow and having effective and simplified ways of managing all the information.


This is where software can make a huge difference, and Blocks Online is the perfect tool for the job. Here are its main benefits:

  • Easy to set up. There is no software to install on your computers and other devices. It is all web-based, so you can access it instantly with an internet connection. All you need to do is sign up, enter the information about your properties, and within 48 hours, you can start using it.
  • Easy to use. You have a busy schedule, so we know you don’t have time to learn how to use complicated software. Blocks Online has been designed to make it super easy to use by anybody, yet it is powerful and able to do everything a block manager needs to do.
  • User it anywhere. Well, anywhere you can connect to the internet, that is. Since it runs entirely in the cloud, all you need is an internet connection, and you’re good to go.
  • Fully backed up. If you have previously lost important data, we feel your pain, but it’s not something you need to worry about ever again. With Blocks Online, all your essential business data is backed up every day to the cloud.
  • Free upgrades. Many software companies charge extra for newer versions of their software. Not us. Whenever we update our software, all our customers will start using it immediately at no additional cost.
  • Only pay for what you need. Not all block bock managers will need everything that Blocks Online is capable of doing. So, we have a flexible payment structure where you only pay for the parts you need to use.


If you are doing block property management in Liverpool or any other city with lots of residential properties, look no further than Blocks Online. It takes the hassle out of block property management.



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